Only by working with Scots Indy-List Referendum party can SNP achieve Scottish Independence (even if SNP win 70 MSPs) Here’s how:

  The SNP – on its own – cannot achieve Independence for Scotland.     It never has. Because even if the SNP won every Scottish seat in the Westminster parliament, they’d always be outvoted by the other 600 Tory / Labour / Unionist MPs. And it never will. Because the English Unionist parties (all based in London) always gain sufficient Holyrood MSPs to prevent the SNP declaring Independence. We have been at ‘peak SNP’ for the past decade, during which the party has admirably won the Holyrood elections to the Scottish parliament and also won the majority of Scots MP seats
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Alex Salmond found INNOCENT of all sex-smear charges; Now heads must roll

Alex Salmond, the former leader of the Scottish National Party, has today been cleared by a jury of all sex-charges against him. For full story see here: Mark R. Whittet, (LLB, BA) Leader of Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party – the only other major political party committed to Scottish Independence – said: “This verdict will be a huge relief – but also at the same time – a complete exonoration and vindication of Mr Salmond’s claim that these charges were not merited by the facts or evidence. “Further,  Lesley Evans the chief civil servant at the Scot-Government – who reports to
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Precedent set by ex-British prime minister David Cameron opens new legal appeal route for Scottish Independence Referendum

A new legal appeal for UK permission to hold second referendum on Scottish Independence could remedy the SNP’s failure to put Scotland’s Independence first by not backing Theresa May’s British Brexit in return for Westminster’s permission to hold second Scottish Independence Referendum in 2019. A valid and grounded legal appeal to the Court of Session in Edinburgh – and possibly thereafter on appeal to the UK Supreme Court in London – could force British prime minister Boris Johnson to let the SNP hold a second Scottish Independence Referendum This new appeal – which some elements within the SNP are only
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UK CBI warns that ‘no-deal’ Brexit bourach will ‘devastate’ Scotland’s economy

Independent analysis shows that a no-deal Brexit could hit Scotland’s economy to the tune of £14bn a year. New findings published by the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) Scotland, reveal that Scotland would be “significantly exposed” to the adverse economic impact of a no-deal Brexit scenario. Tracy Black, Director of CBI Scotland, said this would have a “devastating” impact on Scotland’s economy, with the annual loss of £14bn by 2034 being “more than annual public spending on hospitals, GP surgeries and other health services across Scotland.” Impact of a no-deal Brexit across the UK: Mark R Whittet, leader of Scotland’s Independence Referendum
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Majority of Scots support Independence from UK as Brexit Britain prepares for Bourach Day on 29 March 2019

With just 90 days to Brexit Bourach Day on 29 March 2019, most Scots are in favour of Scottish Independence, according to the latest opinion poll carried out by Panelbase. The Panelbase poll for the Sunday Times (Sample: 1,028 adults; Fieldwork: 30 Nov – 5 Dec 2018) put support for Scottish independence at 47% and found a majority of Scots would back independence over both a No Deal Brexit (59%) and the Bad Deal scenario negotiated by the Prime Minister (53%). Mark R Whittet (LLB BA) Leader, Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party, said: “Cometh the Brexit bourach (*) hour, cometh the
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SNP should offer to back May’s British Brexit in return for Westminster’s permission to hold second Scottish Independence Referendum

We tell’t ye so. See update 13 December 2020 The Glorious Failures Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party (SIRP) today urges the SNP to back a British Brexit in return for Westminster’s permission to hold a second Scottish Independence Referendum. Mark R Whittet (LLB, BA) Leader of Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party (SIRP), said: “Such an offer from the SNP would have many political and economic benefits for Scotland. “It would end the ‘not now’ uncertainty which prime minister Theresa May said in her first refusal to the Scottish Government’s last request to hold a second Scottish Independence Referendum. “And by supporting the Tories
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Categories: News.

Following the lead of SCOTLAND’S INDEPENDENCE REFERENDUM PARTY, former SNP leader Alex Salmond now calls on BBC to answer its move to censor You Tube feed from Scots independence web channel

Following the lead of SCOTLAND’S INDEPENDENCE REFERENDUM PARTY, former SNP leader Alex Salmond now calls on BBC to answer its move to censor You Tube feed from Scots independence web channel SCOTLAND’S INDEPENDENCE REFERENDUM PARTY is the ONLY political party to issue a statement on this issue – which is at the heart of the Scottish Independence debate and also at the heart of the issue of (mis)trust in the BBC. See; And watch Salmond’s speech; Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party  The primary goal – and number one objective in the constitution of Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party –  is to achieve
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BBC tricks YouTube into suspending Wings over Scotland news feed / Silence from SNP: Statement from Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party

@ScotIndyRef3 Why is this not ‘news’ on BBC Misreporting Scotland? And why is SNP silent on blatant state censorhip of Wings over Scotland? … State-controlled BBC tricks YouTube into suspending Wings over Scotland pro-Independence YouTube website …  Commenting today on the above, Mark R Whittet, Leader of Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party, said:  “The BBC has effectively pulled the wool over the eyes of YouTube by falsely claims over copyright infringement on the Wings over Scotland You Tube site.  “Broadcasters and other media are permitted to use clips of material shown on BBC for ‘fair comment’ use.  “This right is widely used
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Categories: News.

Scot-Govt Cabinet re-shuffle can’t solve Sturgeon’s dilemma of when to use the mandate for Scottish Independence, says Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party

The re-shuffle of the Scottish Government cabinet won’t solve Sturgeon’s dilemma of when to use the parliamentary mandate in the Scots parliament for Scottish Independence. Commenting Mark R Whittet (LLB, BA) Leader of Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party (www.SIRP.Scot)  said: “Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP are caught firmly on the horns of a dilemma – ie when to use the majority parliamentary mandate in Holyrood in a new Scottish independence referendum – or run the risk of this mandate expiring in the melee of either a ‘hard’ Brexit and/or a snap UK general election, or both. “If Sturgeon passively sits and
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Scots are sick of the ‘first-past-the-rotten-finishing-post’ voting system for Westminster MPs

More people in Scotland are unsatisfied with the British political system than in any other part of the UK – reflecting the growing disenchantment of voters in Scotland with Westminster’s ‘first-past-the-rotten-finishing-post’ system. Only 14% of Scots are satisfied with the UK political system according to a new study, compared to 41% of Londoners who believe the UK’s political system works well, falling to 28% in the Midlands and 23% in Wales and the north of England. Despite that, the study by the Hansard Society also found that Scots are most knowledgeable about politics and are amongst the most likely to vote.
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