The leader of Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party (www.SIRP.Scot) has lodged an official complaint with the chief constable of the Metropolitan Police Service in London against a hate-crime by (Alexander) Boris Johnson, MP, the British foreign affairs minister.
Johnson’s crime was committed when he described black people as ‘piccaninnies’ in a keynote public speech earlier this year in London.
Mark R Whittet (LLB, BA) leader of Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party (www.SIRP.Scot) said:
“I have written directly to the Metropolitan Police Service to register, and thereby, complain about, a prima facie ‘race hate’ crime committed by A. (Boris) Johnson, MP.
“It should not be too difficult to carry out a criminal investigation and then arrest him as Johnson has publicly apologised for making racist and offensive utterings (as evidenced in the enclosed public record at:
“Indeed, the fact that Johnson has) apologised for describing black people as piccaninnies is self-evidently probative of the completed crime.
“However, an apology (however extenuating) does not extend to a defence in law – and simply corroborates the initial crime.
“Please do not rush to a ‘… it would not be in the public interest’ get-out clause as an excuse for not taking action and investigating Johnson’s (already self-confessed) crime.
“Similarly, there is no time-limit on criminal arrest and charge.
“Indeed, it is very much in the public interest that no MP – however highly appointed and prominent – is seen to be subject to the same rule of law as the ordinary man on the Clapham omnibus. “
A copy of this letter has been sent mutatis mutandis to Boris Johnson, Amber Rudd (British Home Office minister for policing, and Sadiq Khan, the mayor of London.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article is about the ethnic slur. For the mountain in California, see Pickaninny Buttes. For impact structure in Western Australia, see Piccaninny crater.
Distinguish from Picatinny (a USA arms research base, and a type of fitting for guns).
Pickaninny (also picaninny, piccaninny or pickinniny) is, in North American usage, a racial slur which refers to a depiction of dark-skinned children of African descent. It is a racist and derogatory caricature. It is a pidgin word form, which may be derived from the Portuguese pequenino[1] (a diminutive version of the word pequeno, “little”). In modern sensibility, the term implies a caricature which can be used in a derogatory and racist sense.[2]
Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party
The primary goal – and number one objective in the constitution of Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party – is to achieve political Independence for Scotland.
We aim to do so by helping to bring about a new/ second Scottish Independence Referendum in light of the entirely-changed political and constitutional landscape following the UK Brexit vote.
We shall do this by providing a meaningful, valid, SECOND choice/ chance to vote for Independence-supporting MSPs in elections to the next Scottish Parliament; ie SNP party members/ voters can vote ‘first’ choice for SNP on the ballot paper, and then vote ‘second’ choice for Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party on the ballot paper.
This gives two choices/ chances/ votes in favour of Scotland’s Independence (instead of the present 1/ SNP – and reduces the ‘stray’/ use-less ‘second’ vote going to any other British Unionist party.
Despite the use of the word ‘Scottish’ in front of their names, the Liberals, Tories and Labour are all single, British Unionist parties and are all controlled from, and based in, their London head offices.
Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party is not competing with the SNP; rather, we want to work in a progressive alliance with them and other groups that support Scotland’s Independence.