New poll shows that Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party – with former SNP leader Alex Salmond as a leading candidate – is set to win 23 MSP seats and become second-largest party in Scottish Parliament

If led by Alex Salmond, Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party would become the second-largest party in Holyrood with around 23 MSPs, according to the results of an independent new Scottish opinion poll.

The results of the independent Survation survey show that 28% of existing SNP voters would cast their ‘2nd vote’ in favour of Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party (SIRP) in the next Scottish Parliament election if Alex Salmond was top of the ballot paper.

Independent analysis of the actual votes cast in 2016 Scottish Parliament elections – and then allocating around a third (33%) of the otherwise ‘wasted’ SNP 2nd-list votes – shows that up to 23 new Indy-list MSPs would be elected to Holyrood.

In the actual Survation poll, 28% of existing SNP voters said they would vote for Alex Salmond if he were to stand for Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party in the Scottish Parliament election in 2021.

With just a handful of additional pro-Indy ‘don’t know’ votes, this would result in Salmond leading a group of 23 Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party MSPs – making it the second-largest group in the Scottish Parliament.

As a result, the Tories would be pushed into third place with just 20 MSPs and leave Labour trailing far behind with 11 MSPs.

Mark R Whittet (LLB, BA) Leader of Scotland’s Independence Referendum – which he set up in 2017 – commented:

“The potentially UK-shattering result of this poll shows that SNP voters alone could return more than 90 MSPs to the Scottish Parliament whose number one aim is to achieve Independence for Scotland – ie 69 SNP MSPs plus 23 SIRP MSPs.

“This would result in around 92 MSPs (out of 129) being elected to the Scottish parliament with the sole aim of achieving political independence for Scotland – ie an overwhelming majority of 71%.

“This would give the SNP-led Scot-Govt the political, moral and manifestly democratic majority to demand that the Westminster-Govt give it the legal authority to hold a (second) Scottish Independence Referendum.

“Of course, the ideal outcome would be 129 MSPs out of 129 being returned by the SNP and SIRP (Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party) resulting in a 100% absolute majority in favour of Scottish Independence).

“A 100% MSP Scottish Independence-mandate is not going to happen.

“But 92 SNP and SIRP MSPs with a 71% mandate is strong enough to break the Scottish-UK constitutional log-jam – even where the UK government does not WANT to grant the power to the Scottish Parliament to hold a bona fide Scottish Independence Referendum and while the SNP on its own CANNOT force the UK government to do so.

“Then a Scot-Govt (comprising the SNP and SIRP with 92 MSPs) would request ‘permission’ from the Westminster-Govt for the S.30 power to hold a second Scottish Independence Referendum.

The Westminster-govt would then, of course, still say ‘No’ to a second Scottish Independence Referendum.

So the SNP and SIRP Scot-Government with 92 MSPs – should then unilaterally declare Independence – declaring that 71% of Holyrood MSPs is self-evidently and a probatively strong and democratically-achieved majority vote in favour of its number one of policy of achieving Independence for Scotland as proof beyond doubt for a Scottish Independence referendum.

See here for full independent explanation of international constitutional law; –

And the rest of democratic world (ie the European Union, EU, the United Nations, UN, and former UK colonies in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, India and in Africa, etc) would agree – and recognise Scotland’s Independence.

Meanwhile, the Survation opinion poll also showed that while a majority of SNP voters (44%) believe Mr Salmond should not be allowed to re-join the SNP, more than 1 in 3 SNP voters (34%) think he should be allowed to re-join if the SNP let him.

 Mr Salmond honourably resigned his membership of the SNP on being charged with a number of sex offences.  He was subsequently found NOT GUILTY by a female-dominated High Court jury of any of these allegations.

Mark R Whittet (LLB, BA) Leader of Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party, further commented: “Clearly Mr Salmond is seen as a divisive character by many SNP members as a result of these questionable allegations and the equally questionable decision by SNP-control Scot-Govt to arrest and charge Mr Salmond.

“Equally clearly, around a third (28%) of SNP voters (as evidenced by the independent Survation opinion poll) still regard Alex Salmond as a vote winner if he stood for election on the 2nd-list vote as a member of Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party, consequently forecast to win a party-list, 2nd-vote ballot with 23 SIRP MSPs.

“So if Mr Salmond wishes to become a member of Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party, this will be positively considered along with any other prospective membership applications.

“However, it is clear that – given that that senior figures in the SNP have prima facie conspired to raise spurious and un-justified sexual misconduct claims against Mr Salmond (all of which have been rejected by a High Court jury as being groundless – and in light of the  fact that Mr Salmond is not (yet) a member of any other political party)  his application to join the SIRP would be welcome.

“Scotland now stands at a once in a millennium cross-roads in its political and constitutional history.

“Either the SNP do something – ie take positive action – to break the UK constitutional log-jam by working in partnership with Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party to deliver 92 MSPs in favour of Scottish Independence in the next Scottish Parliament elections in 2021.

“Or the SNP leadership continues to endlessly stick its head in the sand and pledge a ‘never-endum’ with endless polls and mandate-after-mandate hoping for a ‘final break-through’.

“Scotland will only get one chance to break the UK constitutional log-jam – and only an SNP and SIRP alliance (including Alex Salmond) can deliver enough MSP votes in the Scottish Parliament to break the UK constitutional log-jam.

“Although the SNP leadership does not (yet) realise it – and neither do other ‘me-too’ Indy-List supporters – SNP voters clearly do realise that only by working in a progressive partnership with the SIRP – with its only goal of achieving Scottish Independence – can we actually deliver Plan-B to achieve Scotland’s Independence.”

OFFICIAL: SNP’s Plan-A for Scottish Independence is dead – even if SNP win 70 MSPs / 70 MPs!

So here’s Plan-B:

Read. Learn. Retweet – + Join NOW!


Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party

The primary goal – and number one objective in the constitution of Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party –  is to achieve political Independence for Scotland.

We aim to do so by helping to bring about a new/ second Scottish Independence Referendum in light of the entirely-changed political and constitutional landscape following the UK Brexit vote.

We shall do this by providing a meaningful, valid, SECOND choice/ chance to vote for Independence-supporting MSPs in elections to the next Scottish Parliament; ie SNP party members/ voters can vote ‘first’ choice for SNP on the ballot paper, and then vote ‘second’ choice for Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party on the ballot paper.

This gives two choices/ chances/ votes in favour of Scotland’s Independence (instead of the present 1/ SNP – and reduces the ‘stray’/ use-less ‘second’ vote going to any other British Unionist party.

Despite the use of the word ‘Scottish’ in front of their names, the Liberals, Tories and Labour are all single, British Unionist parties and are all controlled from, and based in, their London head offices.

Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party is not competing with the SNP; rather, we want to work in a progressive alliance with them and all other groups that support Independence for Scotland.




Categories: News.