Dear Alex,
I write to invite you to become co-leader/ president of Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party.
An ex-Dundonian, I am the leader and founder of Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party.
Like the SNP, the number aim of Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party (SIRP) is to achieve Scottish Independence.
I last joined the SNP in 1990 – having voted for the SNP all my life beforehand, and much of it, since – when you told me something which convinced me to (re)join the SNP.
When I interviewed you face to face for the Sunday Times in Scotland, you said that ‘things only change in Scotland when the rest/ ‘mainstream’ political parties REACT to the SNP’ – ie the SNP is the dynamic gear of change in politics in Scotland/ UK.
That was true 30 years ago.
It remains true today.
In the past 10 years or so I began to doubt how, when and/or if the SNP could actually DELIVER Independence for Scotland – and came to the conclusion that they can’t (on their own).
Everything appended below demonstrates how – and why – I then left the SNP and founded Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party (SIRP) three years ago.
New poll shows that Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party – with former SNP leader Alex Salmond as leading candidate – set to win 23 MSP seats + become second-largest party in Scottish Parliament
Full results from Survation poll
These Survation poll findings (from a reputable, independent, commercial, bona fide public attitude political opinion polling company) show that – for the first time – 28% (almost one-third) of SNP-Yes voters would vote YES on their second list-only vote-ballot paper in favour of Alex Salmond as a lead-candidate for Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party.
As a result, this appx third / 28% of the SNP-Yes vote – if cast for Salmond/ SIRP – would give the Salmond + SIRP Indy-list party up to 23 Indy-MSPs in the Scottish Parliament in 2021.
This would mean that around 70% of MSPs in the Scottish Parliament/ Holyrood (ie appx 69 SNP MSPs + 23 SIRP/ Indy-list MSPs) would have a manifest majority of around 70% of MSPs – and would then be able to DEMAND that Boris/ Westminster agrees to a S.30 ‘approval’ for the Scottish Parliament to hold a legitimate (second) Scottish Independence Referendum.
And if Boris/ Westminster then refuses to grant S.30 Scottish Independence, the 70%+ majority of SNP/ SIRP MSPs in the Scottish Parliament would have the lawful, legal, legitimate and self-evidently manifestly democratic majority to DECLARE Scotland’s Independence from the UK.***
All the legal, political, and democratic obstacles are answered – and overcome – in the attached statement
So, to repeat, I write to invite you to become co-leader/ president of Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party.
ONLY YOU can ‘deliver’ the 28% of SNP-Yes voters into voting for you Salmond + SIRP / Scotland’s Independence.
And ONLY YOU could help persuade y/our former colleagues in the SNP to co-operate in the Vote 1 SNP, Vote 2 SIRP/ Salmond campaign to meaningfully maximise the Independence vote in the Scottish Parliament.
In recent weeks, a number of ‘me-too’ / wannabee-Indy-MSPs have said they’ll stand as Indy-list candidates in the Scottish Parliament elections in May 2021.
But WITHOUT the support/ brand-awareness/ identification of an Independence-only List-party / SIRP – led by you the 28% of SNP-Yes voters will likely ignore these ‘wannabees’ – resulting in the SNP ‘wasting’ 1 million second-list votes (as in 2016) and STILL NOT GETTING ENOUGH POPULAR/ MSPs to MAKE BORIS AN ‘ OFFER HE CANNOT REFUSE’ !!!**/
This opportunity *** is far too important to be foiled / overlooked by the vanity / party ambitions of any one member/ politician.
Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party (SIRP) has already called for (on twitter) a new national Scottish Independence convention. This has been ignored by all the ‘me -too’/ wannabees – AND the SNP.
Nevertheless, the SNP CANNOT stop YOU + SIRP party from standing – and gaining up to one third / 28% of SNP-Yes votes / around 23 Indy-List MSPs in the 2021 Scottish Parliament elections.
Yours Independently,
Mark R Whittet (LLB, BA)
Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party
Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party
The primary goal – and number one objective in the constitution of Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party – is to achieve political Independence for Scotland.
We aim to do so by helping to bring about a new/ second Scottish Independence Referendum in light of the entirely-changed political and constitutional landscape following the UK Brexit vote.
We shall do this by providing a meaningful, valid, SECOND choice/ chance to vote for Independence-supporting MSPs in elections to the next Scottish Parliament; ie SNP party members/ voters can vote ‘first’ choice for SNP on the ballot paper, and then vote ‘second’ choice for Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party on the ballot paper.
This gives two choices/ chances/ votes in favour of Scotland’s Independence (instead of the present 1/ SNP – and reduces the ‘stray’/ use-less ‘second’ vote going to any other British Unionist party.
Despite the use of the word ‘Scottish’ in front of their names, the Liberals, Tories and Labour are all single, British Unionist parties and are all controlled from, and based in, their London head offices.
Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party is not competing with the SNP; rather, we want to work in a progressive alliance with them and all other groups that support Independence for Scotland.