(* SNP party political statement, below, refers)
Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party has accused the SNP of ‘double-standards’ by failing to respond to an offer to form a progressive alliance.
Mark R. Whittet, Leader of Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party – who is the SIRP prospective parliamentary candidate for Edinburgh West – said:
“It is completely two-faced of the SNP to lambast Labour for urging Tory voters in Edinburgh South to vote for Labour to defeat the SNP, when SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon has not replied to the offer from Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party to join with us in a progressive alliance in Edinburgh West to defeat the anti-Independence Unionist parties.
“Because of the particular circumstances relating to the Edinburgh West general election seat – the SNP (which won the seat from the Liberals in 2015) is now a ‘toxic political brand’ as a result of the ex-SNP MP Michelle Thomson being reported to prosecutors after a police investigation into allegations of mortgage fraud.
“The SNP cannot win Edinburgh West, so we have asked Sturgeon to not split the Scottish Independence and to not put up a candidate – thereby enabling Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party maximise the chances of the seat still being represented by a party which has the same primary aim as the SNP – ie Scottish Independence.”