Monthly Archives May 2017

A progressive alliance is a once-in-a-generation chance that must be taken in election 2017

Full Story from The only way to break the emerging rightist hegemony. PA/David Mirzoeff It’s already becoming clear that every party except the Conservatives fears the outcome of the impending general election. Even for the SNP, which will no doubt hold on to – if not improve upon – its standing in the last election, the prospect of an increased Tory majority is not a welcome one. Barring a massive Labour recovery – and barring the impact of unplanned events, so crucial in politics – it appears this is almost certainly the outcome to expect. But even if that
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Categories: News.

Another Accidental Truth

Full story from Posted on April 28, 2017 by Rev. Stuart Campbell Following on from Ian Murray’s last night, we received another election leaflet from an alert reader today, this time one delivered to them by the Scottish Conservatives. Let’s just look at that highlighted section again. Now, “the SNP should try to improve schools and grow the economy, and we’ll oppose them every step of the way” initially sounds like a comedy misprint. Except the thing is, it’s what the Tories actually do. Roughly 99 times out of every 100 the Scottish Government brings forward a policy proposal intending to improve the lives
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Categories: News.