Archives for bourach

UK CBI warns that ‘no-deal’ Brexit bourach will ‘devastate’ Scotland’s economy

Independent analysis shows that a no-deal Brexit could hit Scotland’s economy to the tune of £14bn a year. New findings published by the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) Scotland, reveal that Scotland would be “significantly exposed” to the adverse economic impact of a no-deal Brexit scenario. Tracy Black, Director of CBI Scotland, said this would have a “devastating” impact on Scotland’s economy, with the annual loss of £14bn by 2034 being “more than annual public spending on hospitals, GP surgeries and other health services across Scotland.” Impact of a no-deal Brexit across the UK: Mark R Whittet, leader of Scotland’s Independence Referendum
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Categories: News and Uncategorized.

Majority of Scots support Independence from UK as Brexit Britain prepares for Bourach Day on 29 March 2019

With just 90 days to Brexit Bourach Day on 29 March 2019, most Scots are in favour of Scottish Independence, according to the latest opinion poll carried out by Panelbase. The Panelbase poll for the Sunday Times (Sample: 1,028 adults; Fieldwork: 30 Nov – 5 Dec 2018) put support for Scottish independence at 47% and found a majority of Scots would back independence over both a No Deal Brexit (59%) and the Bad Deal scenario negotiated by the Prime Minister (53%). Mark R Whittet (LLB BA) Leader, Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party, said: “Cometh the Brexit bourach (*) hour, cometh the
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