New Year is traditionally a time for making resolutions. Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party has already made its resolution – which is to achieve democratic, constitutional Independence for Scotland. The SNP also has this resolution as its number one goal… But you’d have to look hard to find any action on this policy from the leadership of the SNP (with some honourable exceptions) which has mired itself in quagmires of its own making. All the other me-too Indy list parties which came after Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party – set up and registered in 2017 – could have combined to stand on
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Archives for Brexit
UK CBI warns that ‘no-deal’ Brexit bourach will ‘devastate’ Scotland’s economy
Independent analysis shows that a no-deal Brexit could hit Scotland’s economy to the tune of £14bn a year. New findings published by the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) Scotland, reveal that Scotland would be “significantly exposed” to the adverse economic impact of a no-deal Brexit scenario. Tracy Black, Director of CBI Scotland, said this would have a “devastating” impact on Scotland’s economy, with the annual loss of £14bn by 2034 being “more than annual public spending on hospitals, GP surgeries and other health services across Scotland.” Impact of a no-deal Brexit across the UK: Mark R Whittet, leader of Scotland’s Independence Referendum
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Majority of Scots support Independence from UK as Brexit Britain prepares for Bourach Day on 29 March 2019
With just 90 days to Brexit Bourach Day on 29 March 2019, most Scots are in favour of Scottish Independence, according to the latest opinion poll carried out by Panelbase. The Panelbase poll for the Sunday Times (Sample: 1,028 adults; Fieldwork: 30 Nov – 5 Dec 2018) put support for Scottish independence at 47% and found a majority of Scots would back independence over both a No Deal Brexit (59%) and the Bad Deal scenario negotiated by the Prime Minister (53%). Mark R Whittet (LLB BA) Leader, Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party, said: “Cometh the Brexit bourach (*) hour, cometh the
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SNP should offer to back May’s British Brexit in return for Westminster’s permission to hold second Scottish Independence Referendum
We tell’t ye so. See update 13 December 2020 The Glorious Failures Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party (SIRP) today urges the SNP to back a British Brexit in return for Westminster’s permission to hold a second Scottish Independence Referendum. Mark R Whittet (LLB, BA) Leader of Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party (SIRP), said: “Such an offer from the SNP would have many political and economic benefits for Scotland. “It would end the ‘not now’ uncertainty which prime minister Theresa May said in her first refusal to the Scottish Government’s last request to hold a second Scottish Independence Referendum. “And by supporting the Tories
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Scots are sick of the ‘first-past-the-rotten-finishing-post’ voting system for Westminster MPs
More people in Scotland are unsatisfied with the British political system than in any other part of the UK – reflecting the growing disenchantment of voters in Scotland with Westminster’s ‘first-past-the-rotten-finishing-post’ system. Only 14% of Scots are satisfied with the UK political system according to a new study, compared to 41% of Londoners who believe the UK’s political system works well, falling to 28% in the Midlands and 23% in Wales and the north of England. Despite that, the study by the Hansard Society also found that Scots are most knowledgeable about politics and are amongst the most likely to vote.
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Boris’ Big Brexit Lie: Govt. of the people, by the people for the people (except for ‘viewers in Scotland’..)
One of the few moments of clarity in otherwise vague and vapid ‘defining speech’ on Brexit by Alexander (Boris) Johnson, the British Foreign Minister was when he said that Brexit was all about ‘Government of the people, by the people, for the people’. Mark R Whittet, Leader of Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party commented today: “This is admirably true – as far as England goes, which voted for British Independence from the EU Bloc. “But ‘Government of the people, by the people, for the people’ is patently untrue when it comes to voters in Scotland – who voted by a majority of
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Now the time comes closer for Scottish Independence Referendum following Brexit omnishambles in London, Brussels, Dublin and Belfast
Now the time comes closer for Scottish Independence Referendum following Brexit omnishambles in London, Brussels, Dublin and Belfast Not now, but soon will be the time for a second Scottish Independence referendum given the vastly-changed political landscape following last night’s Brexit omnishambles by the British government. Mark R Whittet, (LLB, BA) Leader of Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party said today: “The entirely-unsurprising collapse of the London-led ‘negotiations’ over Brexit with the EU has clearly exposed the double-dealing duplicity of the Tory government in Westminster, which wants a ‘Brexit cake and eat it’ policy of leaving N. Ireland in the EU customs
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GERS report should be shown the red card, says Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party
The annual Government Expenditure and Revenue Scotland 2016-17 (GERS) report has been published today. Commenting, Mark R Whittet, Leader of Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party ( said: “Whatever statistics are published in this report, they will not paint the whole picture. “The GERS report was expressly designed by a Tory-run Brit-Govt to create confusion and to paint a one-sided picture of why Scotland is ‘too poor, too wee, too stupid,’ etc to be Independent. “The GERS report should be shown the ‘red card’ and kicked into touch – permanently. “Only with an independent economic study – including the real data on
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Case for Scotland’s second Independence Referendum boosted by Tory secrecy over Brexit economic fall-out (just like Labour’s ban on the McCrone N. Sea oil bombshell report)
The Brit-Govt is refusing to publish its secret report showing Scotland will ‘lose most from Brexit’ – just like Brit-Govt refused to publish the famous McCrone report in 1975 showing that Scotland would become as rich as Norway on Independence. Mark R Whittet, Leader of Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party today calls for the UK government’s Department for Exiting the European Union (DExEU) to publish all analysis about the impact of Brexit on Scotland – following reports the department’s former Chief of Staff that bombshell findings have been withheld. James Chapman, former adviser to the UK Govt Brexit Minister David Davis adviser
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EXCLUSIVE: £750 million in lost revenue from SNP’s Stamp Tax could have paid for 5,000 NHS Scotland hospital bed spaces
Edinburgh West is one of the top five marginal seats in Scotland in next week’s British parliamentary elections. Normally, party leaders have to be dragged away from campaigning in marginal seats so as to encourage their candidates. But today Mark R Whittet, Leader of Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party – a local resident who is standing for election in Edinburgh West – said: “Where are Sturgeon, Davidson, Dugdale and Rennie, the leaders of the SNP and London based Unionist parties? “There’s been no sign of them here in Edinburgh West. Why are they afraid to meet their prospective voters in this
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