Monthly Archives August 2017

The REAL GERS report shows Scots richer per head than UK in Independent Scotland

The REAL GERS report shows Scots richer per head than UK in Independent Scotland See full report: Commenting today on the Government Expenditure and Revenue Scotland 2016-17 (GERS) report, Mark R Whittet, Leader of Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party ( said: “The GERS report was expressly designed by a Tory-run Brit-Govt to create confusion and to paint a one-sided picture of why Scotland is ‘too poor, too wee, too stupid,’ etc to be Independent. “The GERS report should be shown the ‘red card’ and kicked into touch – permanently. “Only with an independent economic study – including the real data
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GERS report should be shown the red card, says Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party

The annual Government Expenditure and Revenue Scotland 2016-17 (GERS) report has been published today. Commenting, Mark R Whittet, Leader of Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party ( said: “Whatever statistics are published in this report, they will not paint the whole picture. “The GERS report was expressly designed by a Tory-run Brit-Govt to create confusion and to paint a one-sided picture of why Scotland is ‘too poor, too wee, too stupid,’ etc to be Independent. “The GERS report should be shown the ‘red card’ and kicked into touch – permanently. “Only with an independent economic study – including the real data on
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Categories: Uncategorized.

Case for Scotland’s second Independence Referendum boosted by Tory secrecy over Brexit economic fall-out (just like Labour’s ban on the McCrone N. Sea oil bombshell report)

The Brit-Govt is refusing to publish its secret report showing Scotland will ‘lose most from Brexit’ – just like Brit-Govt refused to publish the famous McCrone report in 1975 showing that Scotland would become as rich as Norway on Independence. Mark R Whittet, Leader of Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party today calls for the UK government’s Department for Exiting the European Union (DExEU) to publish all analysis about the impact of Brexit on Scotland – following reports the department’s former Chief of Staff that bombshell findings have been withheld. James Chapman, former adviser to the UK Govt Brexit Minister David Davis adviser
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Categories: News.

Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party tells ex-SNP MP Michelle Thomson (and other potential Holyrood MSPs): ‘Come and join us’

Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party is asking former SNP MP Michelle Thomson – and other potential Holyrood MSPs and supporters) to join us in ‘evening up the odds’ in favour of a Scottish independence referendum.     Thomson was elected SNP MP for Edinburgh West in the 2015 general election, taking the seat from the Liberal and was immediately appointed as the party’s business spokeswoman. However, she resigned the party whip in September that year following allegations about past property dealings and did not stand in the June 2017 election. Last week, the state prosecution system said Thomson had no case to answer
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