EXCLUSIVE NO! This is not (yet) the key message from SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon for the British parliamentary elections next month. But it should be – according to Mark R Whittet, Leader of Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party and party candidate for Edinburgh West in the UK general election on 8 June, 2017. Whittet – who resides in Edinburgh West and who formerly served an elected councillor in the capital as a member of the city’s Barnton, Cammo and Cramond Community Council – said: “Whether you vote Tory, Labour or Liberal next month, Edinburgh West – and Scotland – will still
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Archives for Edinburgh West
Sturgeon surge is over: SNP must stand down to put Scotland’s interests first in Edinburgh West
Commenting on a public opinion poll which shows the SNP will lose 14 Westminster parliament seats in next month’s general election, Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party – where Party Leader Mark R Whittet is standing in the Edinburgh West constituency – said today: “’Peak-SNP is over and the only way forward is a progressive alliance with Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party – which will always put Scotland’s interests first. “The opinion study by SurveyMonkey indicates that the SNP could fall from 56 MPs to 42 – down 14 on their historic 2015 landslide. “With the possible exception of Edinburgh West, all of
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