More people in Scotland are unsatisfied with the British political system than in any other part of the UK – reflecting the growing disenchantment of voters in Scotland with Westminster’s ‘first-past-the-rotten-finishing-post’ system. Only 14% of Scots are satisfied with the UK political system according to a new study, compared to 41% of Londoners who believe the UK’s political system works well, falling to 28% in the Midlands and 23% in Wales and the north of England. Despite that, the study by the Hansard Society also found that Scots are most knowledgeable about politics and are amongst the most likely to vote.
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Metropolitan Police must arrest Boris Johnson – and Prime Minister May must sack him for ‘piccaninnies’ hate-crime – says Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party
The leader of Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party (www.SIRP.Scot) has lodged an official complaint with the chief constable of the Metropolitan Police Service in London against a hate-crime by (Alexander) Boris Johnson, MP, the British foreign affairs minister. Johnson’s crime was committed when he described black people as ‘piccaninnies’ in a keynote public speech earlier this year in London. Mark R Whittet (LLB, BA) leader of Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party (www.SIRP.Scot) said: “I have written directly to the Metropolitan Police Service to register, and thereby, complain about, a prima facie ‘race hate’ crime committed by A. (Boris) Johnson, MP. “It should not
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Spain’s extradition of Catalan Independence minister from Scotland under European Arrest Warrant is same sleekit anti-independence tactic used by UK against Gandhi and India
Following today’s court hearing on the above in Edinburgh today, Mark R Whittet (LLB, BA) leader of Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party, said: “Although SNP leader and Scot-Govt First Minister Sturgeon cannot legally intervene in Spain’s anti-democratic European Arrest Warrant against Catalan Independence leader Carla Ponsati, Sturgeon should nevertheless publicly denounce Spain for oppressing the Catalan independence mandate. “Sturgeon should now – like Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party – draw the very clear parallel conclusion with Westminster’s delaying tactic in preventing Scotland from holding the Brexit-changed Scottish Independence Referendum-2, which also illegally denies the Scottish Independence
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Spain’s European arrest warrant for Catalan Independence leader in Scotland must be quashed
Commenting today on the news that Catalan Independence politician Clara Ponsati is preparing to hand herself in to Polis Scotland on the issue of a European arrest warrant from Spain, Mark R Whittet (LLB, BA), Leader of Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party said; “This shocking abuse of democratic process of the European arrest warrant system by Spain is intolerable and should be resisted by Scotland’s courts and government. “Can we imagine the British government handing over Sergei Skripal to Moscow on a European arrest warrant if Russia was part of the EU? Or London handing over the war-time Polish government-in-exile in
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Time for new Scottish Independence referendum as new poll shows most Scots (60%) believe they will be worse off when UK leaves the EU
With six in 10 Scots (61%) fearing they will be worse off as a result of leaving the EU in a UK-led Brexit, the time is fast-approaching when a new Independence Referendum for Scotland is needed. Commenting on the results of the IPSOS MORI poll, Mark R Whittet, leader of Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party, said: “The 2014 Scottish independence referendum was based on Tory-led Brit-Govt lies that Scotland would be worse off outside the UK, and that the only way Scotland could remain in the EU was to vote ‘No’ to independence from England. “As recently confirmed by official Brit-Govt
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Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party (SIRP) calls on the SNP to work together in a progressive alliance and stand aside in Aberdeen Donside as its shamed MSP quits party
Following the decision of Aberdeen Donside MSP Mark McDonald to quit the SNP – but continue to sit as an Independent MSP in the Scottish parliament – it is unlikely that the SNP will hold the seat in the next Holyrood general election. Even though McDonald held the seat in 2016 for the SNP with a 56% share of the vote, his admitted inappropriate behaviour towards women is likely to alienate at least half of the majority (ie the female-SNP vote). And voters in general do not like Holyrood or Westminster MPs clinging to seats by quitting their party after unethical and/or
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Royal Bank ‘raped and betrayed’ Scotland – which is why we now need a new Free Bank of Scotland
With regard to the report on the mis-conduct by the Royal Bank of Scotland by the Financial Conduct Authority (see here for details; –, Mark R Whittet, Leader of Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party – who stood for election last year in the Edinburgh West seat which is home to the head office of the Royal Bank of Scotland – said; “The Financial Conduct Authority on the gross mis-conduct by the Royal Bank of Scotland is absolutely damning. “It shows managers operated in a corporate culture of greed while putting the interests of their small business customers last. “Sadly, too many
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Boris’ Big Brexit Lie: Govt. of the people, by the people for the people (except for ‘viewers in Scotland’..)
One of the few moments of clarity in otherwise vague and vapid ‘defining speech’ on Brexit by Alexander (Boris) Johnson, the British Foreign Minister was when he said that Brexit was all about ‘Government of the people, by the people, for the people’. Mark R Whittet, Leader of Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party commented today: “This is admirably true – as far as England goes, which voted for British Independence from the EU Bloc. “But ‘Government of the people, by the people, for the people’ is patently untrue when it comes to voters in Scotland – who voted by a majority of
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New poll shows half of all Scots (49%) want Independence and/or full Home Rule
SNP must hold new Scottish Independence Referendum now while Prime Minister May still needs her 13 Scottish Tory MPs for Hard Brexit vote in Westminster New poll shows half of all Scots (49%) want Independence and/or full Home Rule, according to a new opinion poll carried out on behalf of Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party (www.SIRP.Scot). The survey, carried out between 24-28 January 2018 by the independent polling company Survation, (encl) asked voters what their voting intention for Scotland’s constitutional future would now be. The results were: Full independence 32% Keeping the current situation 36% Devo-Max 17% Don’t know 16% Mark R Whittet
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Glaswegian glamour model and fellow un-elected, re-jected, anti-democratic British Unionist Lords to have more say on Scotland’s future in Brexit than elected Scottish MPs
Today (25 Jan 2018) members of the House of Lords – including the Liberal Democrat spokesperson for Wales and the shadow spokesperson for Northern Ireland and Scotland – will debate the role of devolved administrations <ie the Scottish Government> in the Brexit withdrawal from the EU and future opportunities for ‘strengthening the union’. This is because the minority-Tory British government lied about – and failed to give – MPs in the House of Commons a vote on post-Brexit return of devolved powers from Brussels. Instead – as the Brit-Govt Minister for Scotland (David Mundell) has confessed – these powers over
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